Solutions and assistance in the field of civil and industrial engineering.
Proiectare construcții civile si industriale;
Analiza structurala si expertiza tehnica;
Extinderi si compartimentări;
Redactare proiecte si consultanta tehnica;
Obținere autorizații de construire;
Avize si acorduri de furnizorii de utilități (energie, gaze, apa, telefonie);
Avize Mediu;
Avize instituții locale si centrale;
Scenarii incendiu;
Topografie inginereasca și GIS;
Planuri topografice de amplasament și încadrare în zonă;
Digitalizare si georeferentiere planuri;
Identificare si trasare limite proprietate;
Intabulări si dezmembrări;
Planuri in format digital si fizic A4 – A0;
We deliver solutions quickly and efficiently.
We are a young company with a human capital trained in the most prestigious universities in the country and abroad, equipped with a solid foundation of information and knowledge to efficiently address the most demanding challenges in our field of activity.
Our team is ambitious, continuously improving, and up-to-date with the latest innovations and technologies used in the field.
In all phases of a project initiated by the client, our company can deliver various solutions and services promptly, from the initial phase to execution, including reception.
We have made every effort to achieve the goals set together with our clients in the shortest time possible. The results and satisfied beneficiaries are our calling card.
we present you our team
Permits and authorizations:
Construction Certification P+1
Achieving legal compliance and registering the property rights in favor of the beneficiary required the preparation of the architectural memorandum and the technical expertise report for the request and obtaining of the construction certification.
TOPOGRAPHIC PLANS in Bogați commune, Argeș county
Within four days from the date of the measurements, the topographical plans for 14 objectives within the Dali program were made and delivered. The well-defined methodology and procedure have contributed to obtaining excellent results in terms of data acquisition and their subsequent processing, until obtaining the deliverable document.
Engineering and consulting
The design of an industrial hall with the structure of normalized metal profiles requires a careful analysis of the location, environmental factors and above all, the utility. Optimizing costs in the design phase and then in execution would not be possible without using a dedicated software program.
To gain a clear understanding of the vertical surfaces during the design phase of thermal insulation and energy efficiency works for a building, these measurements allow for a highly accurate estimation of the required quantity of materials and the time needed for the execution of the works. Data acquisition is performed using a high-precision total station and state-of-the-art distometers, specifically from the Leica brand. Depending on the required level of detail, measurements can be complemented with a 3D point cloud obtained through photogrammetry or laser scanning.
In order to estimate with a high degree of precision various volumes or material stocks, or the differences in volume between two or more time periods, conducting specific measurements allows for additional control for the beneficiary. These measurements complement the weighing operation performed at the time of material storage or extraction. Carrying out these measurements through photogrammetry work provides results that are significantly superior to those obtained through classical methods.
Results obtained from these measurements provide a clearer picture of the terrain relief, particularly in areas adjacent to watercourses where there may be landslides, ruptures, or soil erosions. This is done with the aim of regulating the watercourse through diversion works or embankment consolidations. The measurements are carried out using classical methods with GPS systems and a total station, enhanced and complemented by a 3D point cloud obtained through photogrammetry or laser scanning.